Student life - Campus Safety

Campus Safety

Benedictine University Campus Safety

Benedictine University Campus Safety strives to provide a safe and secure living, learning and working environment. Our members will continue to build partnerships and serve our Lisle and Mesa campus communities with integrity, professionalism and compassion. We embrace our role in providing an equitable, diverse, and inclusive space for students, faculty, staff and guests to pursue their passion.

Our Values

We recognize our students, faculty and staff are our most important customers.

  • We show empathy and compassion for victims of crime.
  • We exercise integrity in the authority that has been bestowed upon us.
  • We best serve the campus community by empowering our employees to fulfill their responsibilities with knowledge and professionalism.
  • We continue to build diverse partnerships with student, faculty and staff organizations.
  • We will lead our organization by following the highest standards and best practices.

Our Services

  • Safety Escorts
  • Vehicle Jump Start/Unlock
  • Dorm Room Unlock
  • Parking Permits
  • Mobile Student ID
  • Lost and Found Property


For immediate medical, fire, or police emergencies, dial 911.