military male and female personnel

Veterans and Active Military

Each student must apply for benefits directly with the VA.

Once official approval of the student’s eligibility to participate in an educational program is received, the student is responsible for requesting certification from the Office of Financial Aid every term.

The Office of Financial Aid is then responsible for certifying current school enrollment and requesting payment based on the student’s number of enrolled hours. NOTE: Enrollment certifications are submitted to the VA within 30 days from the first day of classes.

VA Certification Request and Student Responsibility Certification

This form must be completed after you register for classes for your initial VA certification process to begin. A copy of your DD214 and Certificate of Eligibility should be on file with the Office of Financial Aid prior to the certification process.

Complete and submit this form to the Office of Financial Aid in order to ensure Certification for Veterans Educational Benefits to which you may be entitled is processed accurately and promptly.

Please carefully read the Veteran Student Responsibility Certification. For you convenience, you may complete this form online.

If you prefer, you may fill out a hard copy of the Veteran Educational Benefit Certification Request which may be submitted in person (Goodwin Hall, Suite 214), email ([email protected]), or mailed to the Office of Financial Aid, Benedictine University, 5700 College Road, Lisle, IL 60532.