Mesa Campus Safety
Our Values
Campus Safety strives to provide a safe and secure living, learning and working environment. Our members will continue to build partnerships and serve the campus community with integrity, professionalism and compassion. We embrace our role in providing an equitable, diverse, and inclusive space for students, faculty, staff and guests to pursue their passion.
- We recognize our students, faculty and staff are our most important customers.
- We show empathy and compassion for victims of crime.
- We exercise integrity in the authority that has been bestowed upon us.
- We best serve the campus community by empowering our employees to fulfill their responsibilities with knowledge and professionalism.
- We continue to build diverse partnerships with student, faculty and staff organizations.
- We will lead our organization by following the highest standards and best practices
Campus Safety Officers provide the following services to the members of the community:
- Protection of persons and property
- Parking control and enforcement
- Severe weather warning
- Monitor fire and security alarms
- Lock and unlock of classrooms/offices
- Highly visible patrol
- Safety education and awareness programs
- Escorts service anywhere on campus
- You may report emergencies or request non-emergency Campus Safety services, by speaking directly to an officer or calling 602-888-5516.
For immediate medical, fire, or police emergencies, dial 911.
To request Campus Safety services, dial 602-888-5516
Tune in to one of the following stations to find out whether classes have been canceled.
- KXAM-AM 1310
- KFNN-AM 1510
- ABC Channel 15
- CBS Channel 5
- FOX Channel 10
- NBC Channel 12
- Mesa Channel 11
Resource Links
Mesa Campus
Annual Security and Annual Fire Safety Reports
Mesa Resident Fire Safety Brochure
All Campuses
CSA Incident Reporting
Silent Witness Report Form
The SILENT WITNESS REPORT FORM allows for the anonymous reporting of crime on campus to Campus Safety. When you use the SILENT WITNESS REPORT FORM, the only thing we receive is the information reported. We do not know who the sender is, as the system is designed to block out email addresses.
If you observed someone commit a crime on campus or are thinking about reporting a misdeed, but do not want to become involved, you can submit an anonymous message to us at the bottom of this webpage by completing the SILENT WITNESS REPORT FORM.
You can maintain your anonymity and be civically responsible in reporting crimes, misdeeds, parking complaints, traffic complaints or other issues, and provide any comments/suggestions to Campus Safety by completing the SILENT WITNESS REPORT FORM.
If you are involved in or are a bystander to a crime, there are several resources and options available. You may report the crime anonymously by completing the SILENT WITNESS REPORT FORM.
*In addition to reporting to Campus Safety, crimes of gender-based violence (including sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence and stalking) can be reported anonymously to Title IX. Visit the Title IX webpage for more information on resources and options. Any gender-based violence crimes that are reported, in good faith, will not be subject to alcohol or drug violations of our student Code of Conduct.
When you use the Silent Witness report, the only thing we receive is the information reported. We do not know who the sender is, as the system is designed to block out email addresses.
Please keep in mind that in order for Campus Safety to protect the campus community and send out emergency notifications, we will need to know some basic information.
Please provide the following:
- Location of the sexual misconduct crime,
- Date of the sexual misconduct crime,
- Time of day,
- Description of the incident,
- Description or name of the perpetrator,
- Is the person still a threat to you?
- Is the person still on campus?
- Is there any physical evidence (video, clothing, bedding)?
- Name(s) of witness(es) or bystander(s) and ability to contact them if applicable.
For Emergencies, dial 911
To request Campus Safety services, dial 602-888-5516